The Law of America Samoa

The Law of American Samoa is the set of laws that governs American Samoa. It is based on both the Constitution of American Samoa and Administrative Code, with the purpose of safeguarding people’s rights and interests.
The judiciary is distinct from both executive and legislative branches of government. There are two types of courts: a high court and district courts. Furthermore, judges have the power to create rules.
Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution states that “The judicial power of American Samoa shall be vested in a high court and such other courts as may be created by law.” The Chief Justice of American Samoa is appointed by the Secretary of Interior and must be confirmed by the Senate.
This constitutional guarantee of judicial independence has been praised as a “pillar of democracy.”
In addition to the judiciary, American Samoa’s government consists of several other structures. These include the Governor, Legislature and various government agencies. Click Here More Information: kpong krnl key and titfees
Legislation (Bills)
The Legislature of American Samoa is responsible for passing all laws. This is done through bills passed in one house that must then be approved or rejected by the other House. The Governor may submit proposed legislation to be considered by the Legislature for consideration.
Amendments to the Constitution of American Samoa must be unanimously agreed upon by two-thirds of both Houses and by the Governor. This is an extremely critical matter, as it could significantly shape how government operations in the future.
Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution guarantee that no person, or group of persons, shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. This fundamental legal principle upholds citizens’ rights to free expression and the press.
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Samoan law prohibits any arbitrary deprivation of land, removal or cession of any lands, agglomeration of lands, sale of lands or appropriation of lands for any purpose other than to safeguard their culture and way of life against alienation and destruction. This policy helps safeguard Samoan lands against potential acquisition by outside interests while maintaining ownership over them and their cultural assets.
Maritime Jurisdiction
American Samoa’s territorial government, through the federal government, has undisputed jurisdiction to set court dates for maritime disputes. This fundamental aspect of American Samoa’s rule of law ensures that residents have a forum to seek redress from their government in case of a maritime disagreement.
American Samoa courts have the legal capacity to prosecute certain federal offenses. Congress has delegated specific maritime law jurisdiction to the local High Court.
American Samoa is heavily populated by United States agencies, and these entities often collaborate closely with the territory’s government. This can be especially advantageous in providing justice to those residents of American Samoa who are not citizens of the U.S.
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